Quarantine Self Care

While most of us are still in some form of quarantine and/or being stuck at home all day, I thought it would be a good idea to share some of my favorite self care tips. These are a few ways I’ve been consciously trying to take care of myself and keep myself sane during these crazy times! I hope some of them work for you!

4 Quarantine Self Care Ideas

Face Masks

This one might seem silly but it has been a really great form of self care for myself! By indulging on myself and my skin, I’m feeling pampered and taken care of. Every time I use one, I feel like I’m spoiling myself, which I gotta be honest is really great right now. It’s okay to be a little indulgent right now! Some of my favorites include Peter Thomas Roth (love this sampler too!), Target, and Summer Fridays! And you can’t go wrong with eye masks either! Also try this ice roller (or this one)for a little extra pampering too!

Get Active

Getting into a regular workout routine has been so good for my mental health! Whether it’s getting outside for a good walk or doing a workout video, getting active every day helps take my mind off of everything. Plus as Elle Woods pointed out, it just makes me feel good! Now I’m not killing myself, sometimes all I can manage is 10 minutes. That’s okay too! Find the right balance for you! If you need some help getting started, check out these Popsugar Fitness videos. They are FREE and they have every combination of length, part of your body, and expertise level.

Creative Outlets

Finding new ways to spend your time is always fun and when you have the amount of time we do – why not? Now I’m not the best at this particular one, but I am trying! The one fail proof one I’ve found to work for me is creating my own tie dye! You don’t need a lot of supplies (plus you can buy kits with everything you need), it doesn’t take a lot of time, and most importantly it doesn’t take a lot of skill! Just the way I like it! Check out this kit (or this one) to get you started and here are some great sweatshirts and tees for you to dye!

Have A Little Grace

I think this one is the most important one of all. Give yourself a little grace! These are weird hard times and you’re not going to have it all together all the time. Some days you may need to just sit on the couch and binge watch some tv. You may miss your workout. Order bad food. Sleep in late. It’s all okay. We’re all just doing what we can to get thru this, so have a little grace with yourself while you figure it out!

Hope these tips helped – let me know in the comments what you’re doing for self care these days!