One Year Later

Caffeine Queen Blog turns 1 year today! I can’t believe it’s been a year since I launched the blog. In some ways it feels like I’ve always been doing it and in other ways it feels like I just started yesterday! I feel like I’ve learned so much over the last year and it’s fun to go back and look at my very first posts and see how I’ve evolved. From my style to the way I edit my photos, it’s fun to see how things have changed over the year.

I never dreamed I would have hit some of the milestones I’ve hit over the last year. I can’t believe I’m sitting here writing this with over 9k followers and an approved blogger. It truly seems unreal. When I started this blog, I figured it would just be some friends and family that followed me and I was fine with that! But to see how the CQ community has grown has been beyond what I could imagine. And all that leads me to my biggest takeaway from the last year: you.

The community here at Caffeine Queen has been the biggest and best thing I could have hoped for out of this last year. Seeing all of you react to my blog posts, or helping you find the perfect outfit, or hearing how our stories can relate has been the absolute best. I’m overwhelmed by the trust you put in me and the way we’ve shared our lives, even if it’s just thru a great t-shirt on sale sometimes. Now I have to be honest, when I imagined writing my one year blog post, I never thought we would all be stuck at home in the middle of a global pandemic. I mean who could have ever imagined? But because of this I am more grateful than ever for all my friends on the internet! As we all learn to love from afar, I’ve seen how the CQ community has continued to show up for each other. Instagram has truly become a place we can connect, escape, shop, and support each other. I’m continually in awe of the support I see us all giving each other. And somehow, someday, we will be on the other side of it and all will be okay again.

So know that we’re all here and rooting for you! Here’s hoping the next year is full of good health, happiness, and great fashion! And hopefully writing the 2nd year reflection post not in quarantine!


Breea – Caffeine Queen