Tips & Tricks for Working Remotely

Let’s face it – a lot of us are in uncharted waters these days! Much of the workforce is now trying to figure out how to work from home, on top of all the other stressors. Working from home can be such a blessing but it can also take a while to adjust to. I used to work remotely fully time and it took me a full month to get comfortable. Below I’m sharing some of the things that worked for me to try and help you transition easier!

How I Work Remotely

Set a Schedule/Get in a Routine

This is probably the most crucial step and one of the hardest! Finding the work schedule that works for you and making it a routine can take some time to adjust to but it’s crucial. Just like when you commute into work, you need to have a plan for how you’re going to work from home too! Set an alarm, make yourself coffee and/or breakfast, then tackle your day. As tempting as it can be to stay up till 2am because you can, it will just make adjusting back to your normal schedule that much harder! Find a schedule that works for this new way of life and then stick to it. I promise, it will make everything a million times easier.

Get Dressed

Not having to wear work clothes is one of the best perks for working from home, but it really helps to get dressed every day! Now hear me out, I’m not trying to take your comfy clothes away from you I promise! Shoot I wear leggings every day when I’m working from home! It doesn’t matter if you take off your pjs and put on a different pair of pjs, just putting on those fresh clothes will make you feel more prepared to face the day. The days I stayed in my same pjs all day I was way less productive. Once I figured this trick out, it really helped me change my mentality for facing the day!

Create a Space

This step was another game changer for me! When I first starting working from I found that my days were going one of two ways. I was either unable to focus on my work because I kept getting distracted by house projects or I couldn’t stop working because I kept passing by my laptop “after hours” and thinking of more work to do. I need a clean work space or I can’t work until it’s clean. Also I found that because I never “left work” by working from home, I was spending way more time working than I usually did. Creating a space just for work really changed this for me. I know we all don’t have a spare room lying around so this can be as simple as having a “work chair”. Have some spot in your house that is only for work. Make sure it’s set up for success before you start for the day and don’t go anywhere near it after you’re done for the day.

Set Expectations

Now this is not an easy one, especially for those of with kiddos. Unfortunately I can’t speak to that particular challenge (I’m sorry!) but I can speak to what worked for me. For me it was really important to set expectations with Caleb of when I was working and when I was free. In the morning I let him know when my meetings are and when I’m free for lunch. This lets him know the hours he can chat and which ones I need to be left alone. And he does the same for me. This lets us know when we can say hi without interrupting the other’s work. So far it’s been working really well for us! Having these conversations with your families and partners can really help set you up for success! The other expectation I’ll mention is having a conversation with your manager. Understand what their expectations are of you while you’re remote. How often you should check in, what are the communication preferences, can you adjust your hours where needed, etc. This will make sure that you’re also set up to be successful in their eyes too!

I hope these tips were helpful to you! Are there other ones that you’re using? Let me know in the comments!