5 Tips for Getting Out of a Funk

I don’t know if it’s the grey weather outside or the post-holiday blues but I have been in a FUNK lately. I’ve been feeling uninspired and just really not wanting to do anything. I’m not sad or depressed, just blah. I don’t really know how to explain it more than I just don’t feel like myself. I know this is something we all go through so I wanted to share some tips I’ve been using to get me out of my funk in the hopes that they might help you too. We all need different things though so if these don’t work for you, keep trying until you find what does!

These are just some things that help me but I am not a doctor. If you are feeling sadder or worse there is absolutely nothing wrong with seeking professional help. Take care of yourself girl!

My Five Tips

Get Some Exercise

I know I know, everyone says this. Get some exercise and you’ll feel better. But if that many people are saying it, maybe they’re on to something! I’m not saying that you need to bust out a 3 hour workout or anything like that. Just move your body. Weather permitting, go for a walk, or a swim, or a jog. Whatever exercise looks like to you. Going for a quick walk while listening to a podcast always helps turn my mood around.

Get Some Sleep

This one can be really hard when you’re not feeling like yourself. The more I’m feeling the funk, the more likely I am to be laying awake all night. I get it. But having a good night of sleep can really change your mindset. When I know I need sleep but know it might not be easy, I watch or listen to something until I fall asleep. Turning on a funny tv show or podcast helps me relax and takes my mind off of everything and then I can usually get some zzz’s!

Get Some You Time

Me time has been crucial for me lately. Take 15 minutes, an hour, a day, whatever you can spare and release yourself from your responsibilities and pressures. Do the things that make you feel good that you’ve been putting off. Go wander around Target for an hour if you want to. Bust out that face mask you’ve been saving. Whatever it is that you want to do for yourself and only for yourself. It may sound crazy but sometimes being a little selfish is what you need.

Get Some Quality Time

While it will probably feel like the last thing you want to do, get some time in with the people you love. When I’m in a funk, I never want to go out or even get on the phone. But spending time with your friends or significant other can really help! It reminds you of the people in your life that LOVE you and that’s a reminder that always helps.

Get Some Knowledge

This is a new one for me but it really has been helping. Learning something new or getting creative really helps my mood. Using a different part of my brain reminds me of all that I am capable of and gets me excited about things. Sometimes your funk is just a rut so getting your creative juices flowing can really help! Learn a new skill, take on a new hobby, or even just read a new book. Something that gets your brain going will help your heart too!

I hope these tips helped! What do you do when you’re in a funk? Leave me a note in the comments!