While it’s common this time of year to set your New Year resolutions, I’ve decided this year I am going to set goals for myself instead. It may just seem like semantics but I really feel like just changing the name alone can help my mindset. Resolution means a firm decision to do or not do something. A goal is your effort towards a desired result. I’d rather spend the year working towards something and having grace with myself than a firm decision and ultimate failure. Because let’s be honest – we all fail sometimes. Can you imagine being completely perfect for an entire year? It’s just not going to happen.
So this year I’m not setting myself up to fail. I’m setting realistic goals that still push me and ones that don’t necessarily have an end date. And if I have a bad day, I haven’t failed. I get to start over the next day with new effort towards my goal.
My 2020 Goals
Love and Grow
For me it was really important that I group these together. They might seem vague in the title but I think you’ll see why these go hand in hand. I really want to be more intentional in loving myself unconditionally. Not just loving myself on the good days – but through the messy ones as well. I want to give myself more grace this year to fail and make mistakes. And to not beat myself up so much. But on the other side of that coin, I want to continue to grow. There are things about myself that I can continue to work on and develop. And while I will love myself unconditionally regardless, I want to continue to work each day towards being a better person. Being a more attentive friend, being a better listener, being a thoughtful partner. All things I can continue to work on to grow myself.
In 2020 I really want to take my wellness seriously. Wellness is defined as a state of being in good health – which means I want to take my health seriously this year. Now this doesn’t mean I’m just targeting to lose 10 pounds and I can check this one off. I’m trying to look at a more holistic picture of my health. To me being in good health does mean eating healthy more often – but it also means having a donut when I need one. It means I won’t put off doctor’s appointments but I will remember to take time for myself. It means working out because I like the way it makes me feel not because I have to. And it also means respecting my mental health and taking breaks when I need to. By making my goal wellness means it’s broad enough that I can listen to myself and make daily choices that affect what I need that particular day.
Time to Get Personal
This one might actually be the hardest one for me and it’s the only one on my list that is specially targeted at Caffeine Queen. I want to get more personal with all of you this year. I want to share more of my day-to-day life and less of my highlight reel. This doesn’t come naturally to me but I’m excited to get out of my comfort zone. I can’t guarantee I will do this every day (hence goal and not resolution) but I am going to try my hardest! And part of that will mean trying new things! I want to get more creative in how I share things too. This means I’m probably going to have some flounders this year but I’m excited for the new opportunities too.
Have you set your goals for 2020? Tell me about them in the comments!
Heck yes! Reframing them as goals is so much more productive and encouraging!