How to for Prepare Black Friday and Cyber Monday So You Can Get the Most Out of the Deals!

If you can believe it we are only about a week out from Black Friday! As you know many deals will start on Thanksgiving or earlier so it’s time to get ready. There will be a lot of shopping and a LOT of great deals. Honestly it can seem a bit overwhelming so I’m here with three great tips on how to prepare so you can get the most out of these holidays!

3 Tips to Prepare for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

1. Have a one-stop shop.

There are going to be a LOT of deals out there. Trying to keep track of them all is not for the faint of heart. Having one place where you can shop ALL of the best deals (while not having to weed through the bad ones) will save you a lot of time and headache. Lucky for you, you’re in the right place! Starting Monday, November 25th I’ll be sharing all my favorite deals right here on Caffeine Queen! You’ll be able to easily see what’s happening at each retailer, have direct links to them, and I’ll even share my favorite picks! Stay tuned to Instagram stories for more details!

2. Make a List

Personally I think this is one of the most important tips to share even though it seems like one of the most obvious. There are going to be a LOT of great deals and sometimes it can seem overwhelming on what you should get. If you have a list of what you know you need to snag it will make it a lot easier to navigate during the sales. Work your way through your list and once you’ve gotten everything then you can shop around and splurge on any other great deals. I also usually separate out my list into need and want. Usually my “need list” will be Christmas presents for other people and my “want list” will be things I’ve had my eye one and hope they go on sale. This makes it super easy for me to prioritize!

3. Have a plan

This tip is super important but especially if you are planning on trying to grab something that may sell out quickly. By knowing when sales will be live you’ll be better prepared to snag it right away. Usually I’ll go through my list that I made in tip #2 and add any necessary timing to each item. If something goes on sale at 5pm on Thursday I write that down. Then I have an easy timeline of when I need to snag things! In great news, in recent years, lot of retailers are letting you pay online and pick up in store. That means you can still get it right away but you don’t have to deal with as many crowds! Additionally pay attention to doorbuster deals – you may need to go into the store to grab those.

Hope you enjoyed my tips! Have any great ones I missed? Leave them below!