Fall is upon us and I’m trying to trying to be more intentional with working on myself. Making sure that I’m taking opportunities to learn, reflect and grow. So I’m setting two goals for myself for the fall season. Only two because I want them to be a major focus and I think it’s important to set attainable goals for yourself too!
My Fall Goals
Be Present. This is a big one for me. I can definitely get wrapped up in spending way too much time on my devices. Between instagram, my blog, and Netflix I can get a bit device heavy. This means I’m not always fully present with the people around me. I want to make sure that when I’m spending time with my loved ones, whether it be on the phone or in person, that I am fully present.
But this isn’t just device related. My mind is always racing, thinking of what I need to do next. I can be listening and nodding along but really I’m stressing thinking about all the other things I need to do that day. I really want to work on being intentional with my presence and my attention and that I’m fully giving it to the right things.
Have fun. This may seem like a silly one but I could really use some more fun in my life. The last few months have been stressful in my professional life and that stress has definitely crept into my personal life too. I spend so much of my weekend trying to get everything done because I know during the week I’m going to be so exhausted I won’t want to do anything. Even when I try to do some fun things I find myself often wishing I was home getting things done.
This fall I want to enjoy myself. Let myself relax and enjoy the fun moments and make sure they are intentional, not just happy accidents. To be clear, having fun doesn’t mean you have to spend a bunch of money on things either. There are so many great adventures that can be had for little to no money and I’m challenging myself to enjoy a lot more of those this fall season.
Are you setting goals for the fall season? Leave them below!