Let’s just be honest here: I do not have everything figured out. At all. And I don’t want to pretend that I do. I think it’s easy on social media to assume that everyone has their sh*t together and we often forget the messy that sits behind all of that.
Sometimes it’s literally the mess. The pile of clothes you move out of the way to get that selfie. Cleaning only the section of the room that will show in the photo. I’ve definitely done that. Sometimes it’s more than that. Posting that laughing photo when you were actually fighting with your spouse just moments before. Sharing that amazing purchase without acknowledging that you saved for months just to be able to buy it.
Social media allows us to control what others see.
We are able to make our lives look as perfect as we want. I don’t have to show you the messy part of my house so why would I? I don’t have to show you the hard days of my marriage, so why would I? In this one area I can control how the world sees me, so why not make it my best?
Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t have any issue with people doing this. Keeping social media happy and their best foot forward. I mean I do this every day. And I’ll probably keep doing this. I mean be honest, you don’t want to see a picture of my messy bedroom on Instagram. And that is okay. I just want to take a moment to acknowledge life behind what you see on my feed.
I do not have it all figured out. My marriage isn’t perfect, my house is not spotless, my job is not life-completing, my dogs can be awful, and I am full of flaws. I have no idea what I want to do with my career. I cheat on my diet. I don’t love where we live. Sometimes I shop to make myself feel better. I do not have everything figured out.
And that is okay.
Here’s what I have figured out: I love my life. I love my husband, my dogs, working on this blog, a good cup of coffee, taking naps, and most days, who I am. I’m learning to care less what most people think and care more about what certain people think. I know what and who is important in my life and I don’t care about the rest. I know that having purpose in life does not boil down to what you do for work. Showing up for the people in your life is the most important thing.
I do not have everything figured out but I do know this: it doesn’t matter.
No one ever will. You do not have to have everything figured out to have an amazing life. You don’t have to know where you are going to be in 10 years to have a good day today. You just figure it out day by day. Embrace the mess in your life. Embrace the flaws. Love the ones you love, have fun, and try to be better every day. The rest will figure itself out.

Such a good reminder! Social media is not real life. Except for the part where I brag about how you’re my best friend!