May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Did you know 1 in 5 people will be affected by mental illness in their lifetime? That’s a lot of people. Below I’ve included 5 ways you can look after yourself and others during the month of May in support of Mental Health Awareness.
- Take a Free Self Exam: This is a great way to check in yourself and how you’re feeling. There are tons of free ones online that will give you an idea of what’s going on and how you’re doing. While these should not be done in replacement of going to a doctor, they can give you an idea of if maybe you should go to your doctor.
- Check in on Your Friends: This one is simple but so impactful. As your friends how they are doing. And don’t settle for the simple – I’m good. Ask questions, check on their feelings. You never know who is going through something, so be there in case they need to talk through it.
- Take Time for Yourself: Whatever this looks like for you, take some time for yourself this month. Do something that makes you feel mentally recharged. Whether it be going for a run, doing a face mask, going to a therapist, or just being alone. Do something just for you that makes you feel better.
- Don’t Compare Yourselves to Others: This one is especially hard with social media being so prevalent but everyone struggles. Instagram is a highlight reel and no one’s lives are perfect. Remember that just because she posted a cute photo, does not mean that everything is going perfectly in her life. We all have struggles, we all have down days.
- Help End the Stigma: Have you struggled with mental illness and feel comfortable sharing? Then tell your story! Let the people around you know that there is no shame in having an illness and especially no shame in seeking help. The more we make it a part of the everyday conversation, the more people will feel it’s okay to ask for help.
Yes! Such an important issue finally getting the attention it should!