5 Tips for When You’re Feeling Down

A little note – I’m writing this article from the perspective of “just feeling a little down”. If you find that you are feeling that way more often than not, it’s okay to seek professional help. There is zero shame in getting the care you need.

We all have those days. Sometimes we’re just not feeling it. For whatever reason, we’re just a little down in the dumps and not feeling like ourselves. It can last a few hours, or even a few days. Either way it’s frustrating to not feel like ourselves. I know I can get down over the silliest of reasons and it can be hard to shake it. Here are 5 tips I use when I’m feeling a little low.

Check in on myself.

Usually the first thing I try to do when I find myself feeling a little down is to check in on myself and why I’m feeling that way. Usually if I can figure out the root cause of my feelings, I can get out of it quicker. If it’s something I’m worried about, I think through possible solutions so I feel ready if the situation presents itself. If I’m feeling a bit self-conscious about something, I think about the things I love about myself. If it’s a problem with a friend, I call them and discuss it. Figuring out the why can be a big step in feeling better. But sometimes there isn’t an obvious why – and that’s where the next steps really come in.

Get some perspective.

Exercise always seems to do the trick. If I can literally run or walk away from my problems (aka going for a run), everything seems to be a little bit better when I get back. Putting a little distance between everything seems to really help me gain some perspective on it. Even if I don’t feel 100% better after my workout, I usually am closer to figuring out why I’m feeling down. And in the words of Elle Woods, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don’t kill their husbands. They just don’t.”

Distract myself.

Sometimes you just got to stop thinking about it! I’m the queen of overthinking and sometimes to feel better, I just have to get my mind off of it. While I don’t recommend distracting yourself from your feelings forever, sometimes going it for just an hour can help. When I need a good distraction, I’ll binge watch a few episodes of something or read a good book. Whatever your go-to is, letting your brain get completely distracted can be a great way to let yourself settle. Then after an hour or so, check back in and see how you’re feeling. Sometimes overthinking can make your problems seem bigger than they really are. Distract yourself and come back – it may just be the break you needed.

Talk to someone.

Sometimes just getting it off of your chest can be the key to feeling better. I know I’ve gone to my husband and just said I’m feeling a little down but I’m not sure why. And we’ll sit and talk. Sometimes he asks questions to help me narrow it down, sometimes he’ll just make me laugh. Sometimes just acknowledging how I’m feeling out-loud to someone else is enough to make myself feel better. I no longer feel alone. Sometimes just letting someone else in is enough to start feeling more positive.

Self care.

I’ve talked about this a bit before on other posts, but when you’re feeling down (and especially when you can’t figure out why) taking care of yourself is key. There are so many different ways to practice self care: take a nap, go for a walk, get a pedicure, apply a face mask, pet a dog. Whatever works for you – that’s your self care. Take the time for yourself and do what makes you feel cared for. Sometimes I’m down due to being burnt out because I haven’t taken any time for myself. Spend a little time on yourself and see if your mood changes.

Hopefully one of these tips will help you next time you’re feeling a little blue. What do you do when you’re feeling down?