The Sunday Scaries! Over the last few years we’ve heard that term thrown around more and more. Usually we say it jokingly to our friends and it’s commonly understood as just not wanting to go to work on Monday. And let’s be honest – we’ve all felt that way. Some more than others. But the Sunday Scaries can be more than that for some us.
For me, the Sunday Scaries are when starting Sunday afternoon, I start to feel anxiety. I overthink everything that happened the previous week. Things I could have done differently, things I could have said differently. I sit and think about all the things that I should have done better and all the ways that I am going to be better the next week. And then all the anxiety for the upcoming week hits. All the things I need to do, all the things I need to not do, to make it a better week. It can all be completely overwhelming. Over the last few years, I’ve tried all sorts of things to combat this. Some successful, some not. Below are my top 3 go-to’s that help me feel better every Sunday.
3 Tips for Beating the Sunday Scaries
- Plan Ahead. One of the biggest things that helps me is planning ahead so I have nothing I have to do on Sundays. The more free time I can have on Sundays, the more relaxing I can do on Sundays, the easier it is to go into Monday. The more I am trying to get things done on Sundays, the worse my anxiety is. When I can, I plan out my weekend so all of my errands, cleaning, and “chores” are done on Friday or Saturday. This leaves Sunday completely open for fun and/or relaxing.
- Exercise. This is the most recent trick I’ve added to my arsenal. While I’ve always known that exercise makes me feel better, sometimes it’s hard to feel like running a few miles on a Sunday afternoon. For me it was near impossible! Instead, I have found so much joy in walking. Every Sunday afternoon I go for a 2-3 mile walk. I put in my headphones, turn on a great podcast, and just walk. It completely clears my mind and since I’m listening to a podcast my mind doesn’t wander to anything else!
- Treat Yo Self. Self care Sunday may seem like just a social media trend, but it can actually be a really great thing. I love ending my Sunday with a face mask and a great TV show. Or wandering through Target. Or getting a manicure. Taking the time to care for myself, makes me feel more relaxed and prepared to take on the upcoming week. And you don’t have to spend money to do this, it can be as simple as reading a book. Just take the time to do something just for you.
Obviously what works for me, may not be the best way for you to beat the Sunday Scaries. I had to try quite a few different things to find what was right for me. So don’t get frustrated if one of these tips doesn’t work for you – keep searching and you’ll find the right thing! Maybe you’ve already found something that works for you – great! Share your suggestion for beating the Sunday Scaries in the comments so we can all try it!
I have totally dealt with this before and didn’t realize there was an actual term for it! Self Care Sunday is a must and I like making a list of everything I need to do so I don’t have to worry about forgetting anything.